Saturday, June 25, 2011

Adventures of June 2011

We had a specialist doctor appointment on June 3rd. On this particular day they did a fetal echo of the boy's hearts. I'm happy to report that all was healthy and normal. During most of the ultrasound the boys were breach and facing in the same direction. However, at one point Baby B became to stretch. You could see him just stretching and stretching. I imagined him saying "Oh I am growing so fast and this will make me taller than my brother!" Then in one fast movement he flipped over and was facing his brother face to face. At that moment the tech turned the ultrasound on 3D. It was awesome. As she tried to give us a glimpse of Baby A's face he kept wiggling and wouldn't stay still. Then he and his brother began to cuddle and it was the sweetest thing. It was almost like they didn't want us to take a sneak peek so they put their heads together and arms up to block. Cochran said they are already plotting. The technician said it's rare to capture a moment like that. Which is definitely true in our situation since they are usually fighting (playfully I like to think). She explained that there is a thin layer that separates them in the placenta. She said to imagine if we put on saran wrap and touched one another. That is how it is for them; so they can very much feel and acknowledge one another. It was a precious moment in our book and will always be one of our favorite memories. We were (and continue to be) on cloud 9 and have shown everyone their photos! I also must report that Baby A took the lead in weight weighing in at 15 ounce away from 1 pound! Baby B was 1 ounce away from his brother weighing in at 14 ounces. Keep sharing boys! You are doing a great job!

The following week we picked up our baby furniture-two baby cribs and one dresser. This month we have worked hard at cleaning, moving things into storage, assembling their furniture, organizing, etc! Go Team Cochran! I would like to share that 3/4 of my wardrobe is in the storage unit. I hope to one day fit back into it. I know that as women we give ourselves a hard time over our weight and I am no different. I look at some of these clothes now and think "How did I ever fit into that? And what was I thinking when I said I was fat?" Typical, right? Haha! Also, I look at these clothes and think, "Ok, I'm going to be a momma now. Is this appropriate? Do I need a new mommy wardrobe?" Anyways, our goal is get as much done now since I want to be able to help. With this growing tummy I know it's a matter of time before Lamu (yes I named myself after Shamu) will be on the couch. I know it will be a relief & nice to have everything ready and prepared so we can relax and get the necessary rest the last couple of months. I can't express how much joy I had hanging their first set of clothes in the closet. Yes, my eyes watered and all! I find myself walking in there because I get so tickled seeing their tiny clothes hanging in this big closet. I honestly just love walking in their room and sitting.  I try to imagine what it's going to be like but I can't grasp what's in store for us. I won't until we meet them & bring them home.

On Sunday, June 13th Cochran felt his first baby kicks! For weeks I had felt the boys moving but every time I would tell Cochran to feel they would quit. They still do this to all of my coworkers. On this particular night we had just sat down to rest after an exhausting day of doing everything I just mentioned above. He was right beside me on the couch. I kept feeling the kicks and instead of announcing to Cochran that the boys were kicking (because then they would hear and quit) I simply reached over, grabbed his hand, and placed it on my tummy. He felt one, two, three kicks in a roll. I was thrilled! Again, someone keeps turning on the water in my eyes-LOL! That was a turning point because the boys have really been on the move since then. Occasionally if I feel them kick, I can touch my stomach at the spot and they will kick back. We will go back & forth. At other times, I can actually feel where they are because my stomach will become really hard in that area. I know that eventually that will be my reality. With them growing, there is going to be less room to move, so I hope they get cozy before they're stuck. Preferably not in my ribs!

On June 15th we had our regular doctor appointment. On this day they were butt to butt; therefore legs were right in each other's faces. You could literally see Baby A kicking his brother in the head. On impact Baby B's head would go back. Then he would regain his composure and Baby A would do it again...head flying back like a punching bag...repeat. Baby B was unsuccessfully trying to block with his arm. He was also trying to get even but didn't have the position like his brother. We said they were little ninjas! After the ultrasound we met with one of the doctors. We really liked her! Her sister had identical twin girls so she was so informative and personable. I know you would assume all doctors should be this way but it hasn't been our experience. Interestingly, she said that if everything continues the way it has we can begin to look at the calendar to determine when we want to meet these boys. It's a cool but weird thing to think we may actually pick their birthday. Someone at work suggested we ask for a midnight delivery so one can be born one day and the other the next. Not sure a doctor would go for that but great idea! The 37-38 week would be September 20-27.  We have decided if we get to that point and we are certainly hoping we do that September 23rd will be Baby A & Baby B’s birthday.  It's on a Friday and flights leave from Lexington to here early in the morning.  Therefore, family can get down here to meet the little guys.   

On June 16th I had my work baby shower. Cochran & I was blown away by everyone's generosity. I work in a large insurance office. We are divided in smaller, specialized divisions but I have the pleasure of knowing a lot of people since I write personal lines and have helped people with their own insurance. I also tend to be an open book and talk a lot. Many of you don't know this about me :) About 50 people came to the shower bearing gifts, love, and support. It was one of those moments of reflection. To think we moved here a year ago and to see how many wonderful people I have met and are a part of my life is awesome. I am very lucky to work with such incredible women and friends. I can't say how grateful I am to God for all of His blessings.   I also have to share that one of their presents was two dalmation dog stuffed animals.  The dogs each have one black ring around their eye.  Mind you this was the next day after their doctor appointment.  I couldn't help but laugh because that's how my boys will probably enter the world-Each with a black eye.  The gift was priceless! 

This past week I believe all the work, excitement, and everything had finally taken it's toll. I got sick with a sinus infection. So I was forced to take a day and a half to safely get medicated and rest. I tell ya when I hit that physical low I also hit that emotional low. Gotta love the hormones. I'm happy to announce that I'm back and up to my old tricks!  Casa Cochran has many guests on the list for July-Meme & Pop, Vincent & Kelly, Aunt Brittany Ann, Nana & Aunt Tori. Therefore, I'm anticipating July will ffffllllly by and we will be down to two months before you know it!   

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