Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mother's Intuition of the Gender

I am not Ms. Cleo; however I feel that we are having boys.  Why?  I just do.  I have heard a variation of how you can predict the gender, but I'm just going on my intuition.  Ironically, the only names I have picked out are for girls.  Hubby has agreed to Camryn Reese Cochran and I like Addison Claire Cochran.  We could either call the girls Cammy & Addy or Camryn and Claire.  However, boy names aren't so easy.  He doesn't agree on anything I throw out there.  I've read other blogs that discourage naming multiples names that rhyme.  Like yesterday I saw on TV twins named Gary and Larry.  We won't be going there.  I've also seen where someone named the girls (I can't remember the name exactly) but basically Leslie Ann and Ann Leslie.  Wow!  Not going there either.  We may have their names start with the same letter. 

My mother calls me at least once a day to recommend a name.  However, dad to be is going to have to agree and like I've said that's not going to be easy.  If all else fails I have a Plan B.  He names one and I name the other.  Life is all about compromise, right?  If you have any suggestions feel free to recommend.  Of course, you want us to name our kids after you :)  Which brings me to some names you may like but reminds you of someone in your past and you just couldn't name your child that name.  Women are probably worse at a name triggering memories than men.  Also, when I worked at Servpro and was marketing to a mother to be she told me there was a name her & her husband liked.  Luckily, something made her google the name and low and behold there was a porn star with the same name.  Whoa!  Close call!  Note to self I need to google the names we select before they become permanant. 

1 comment:

  1. Leslie,
    Once we settled on Jacob & Jonah for the boys, I googled the combination.... and found another set of twins with the same names... down in Florida at the Center of Apes are chimpanzee twins Jacob & Jonah! Lovely! haha
    Good luck!
